London is the capital of GB
Куприянова Наталья Юрьевна
Theme : London is the capital of Great Britain
Aim: To expand the students knowledge of London’s historic and modern sites, to develop pupil’s interest in life of people abroad, to develop comprehension, speaking and reading skills
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
Teacher Students
5 min
1. Who is on duty today?
2. What season do you like? Why?
-What do you like to do in summer?(holiday, weekend)
3. –I invite to…. Look at the picture and name the country. What’s the capital of it? Try to guess the theme of our lesson
4. - What do you know about London?
5. - Would you like to know more about London, about its sights?
You’ll work in small groups.
-Can you name
your place of interest?
6.Work in group: Make-up a text
using way «3 corners»
7. Presentation.
-Present new information about a place of interest.
-What is it?
-How many?
9. « What is it? »
10. Grammar.
1)-I think, our trip is very interesting.
-What would you like to visit, to see in London? Why?
2)-Complete the sentences using Conditional II.
10. Do sums
-How do you know places of interest of London now?
11.Home task (writing):
- Make up a story about your favourite place of interest of London.
12.The final stage of the lesson
And now let’s listen to the groups. Take notes while observing other student’s performances using the criteria from the cards.
- Well, students. Our lesson is over. I think you know more about different places of interest of London now. Thank you for the lesson.
Good bye!
12.Reflection -I like summer because I have a lot of free time and a big holiday.
S1, S2,
-I like playing football, computer games, travelling…
-This is the UK. The capital.
S-Complete the sentences
S1, S2,
The students are divided into 3 groups:
S. take parts of 3 pictures and complete 3 pictures of places of interest of London, name their pictures.
Choose a speaker, a time manager,
a secretary.
Make-up a text.
S1 retells the text, S2, S3 listen to him and then retell it, too.
A speaker of one group presents it.
Groups read the text, prepare for different questions.(4)
Students from the first group ask the questions fo the second group (and the third group).
( G1---G2---G3---G1)
-Listen to some stories about the places of interest of the capital of Great Britain
S1-I would like to visit….because……
Students put verbs in right form.
G-Read the questions and find the correct answer.
Students complete the cards « Self-assessment»
Students write on the stickers;
1-What’s done very well?
2-What may be improved?
1.The map of the UK
2.1) The population of London is…
2) London caught Great Fire in…( in September 1666)
3) London consists of …. parts:…,…,…,and…
(A star for right answers)
3 pictures: Buckingham Palace,
The White Tower,
St. Paul’s Cathedral
The cards with a few words and a picture.(1)
Text “London”
3 pictures (3)
Grammar task. (4)
«The Chain of Sentences»
Test «The British capital sights» (5)
The cards(6)
« Self-assessment»
Stickers of two colours for every student.
The Tower of London
Task: Make-up a short story about the Tower, using words, given in the card:
- very old
- a royal palace, a castle, a fortress, a prison
- -a museum
- 6 black ravens
- famous for the nightly ritual of the Ceremony of the Key
Trafalgar Square
-one of the most famous attractions in London
-Nelson’s Column
-in the middle of the square
-the famous British admiral
-four bronze lions
-two fountains
The Clock Tower
-to stand near Westminster Palace
-to be built in the 19th century (1858)
- a very loud bell
-to weight more 13 tons
-in honour of Sir Benjamin Hall (the tall man)
1) Who lives in 10 Downing? (Prime – Minister)
2) Who built St.Paul’s Cathedral? (Christopher Wren)
3) Where is the Speaker’ Corner? (Hyde Park)
4) Where are most cinemas, theatres, restaurants? (Piccadilly Circus)
5) Where is the official residence of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
6) What is the oldest part of London? (the City)
1) It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. It is famous for the nightly ritual of the Ceremony of the Key. (The White Tower)
2) It is one of the best picture galleries of the world. It is a fine building with tall columns. There are two beautiful fountains in front it. (The British Museum)
3) They say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument includes four bronze lions. (Trafalgar Square)
1) If I….to London I… Tower.
2) If I ….the Tower I…ravens there.
3) If I ….the ravens I…. there pictures.
4) If I ….their pictures I….them to my friends.
5) If my friend….the pictures they …glad.
The British capital sights
1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? (a)-New York, b) - Sidney, c)-London)
2. What is the name of the river on which the British capital is situated? (a)- the Clyde, b)- the Thames, c) the Mississippi)
3. What was the Tower of London in the past first?
(a) - a museum, b) - a prison, c) - a fortress)
4. What are the laws of the Great Britain made by?
(a) - the Congress, b) - the Parliament, c) – the State Duma)
5. Where the statue of Admiral Nelson? (a)Trafalgar Square, b) Hyde Park, c) the British Museum)
6. When the Clock Tower (Big Ben) near the Houses of Parliament built? (a) – in 1758, b) – in 1858,) -in 1958)
7. Who was in charge of the building of the London Clock Tower? (a) - Sir Benjamin Hall, b) -William Shakespeare, c) - William the Conqueror)
8. When was St. Paul’s Cathedral erected? (a) –in 1510, b) – in 1610,
c) – 1710)
9. What is the official London residence of the British Royal family? (a) - Tower of London, b) - Buckingham Palace, c) - Westminster Palace
10. Who lives in 10 Downing Street? a) Kings, b) Queen, c) Prime-Minister
11. Who organized Globe Theatre? a) Christopher Wren, b) William Shakespeare, c) Madam Tussah
12. Which Bridge is in Tower? a) Brooklyn Bridge, b) Tower Bridge, c)Boston Bridge
Self-evaluation (cards)
-can speak about the UK, London (score 1-3)
-can read and understand new information
-can make-up sentences using Conditional II
-can ask questions and answer
- can work in cooperation with other members of the group
Использованная литература:
1.Верисокин Ю.И.Иностранные языки в школе.-2003.-№5
2.Верисокин Ю.И.Английский язык. Развитие коммуникативных компетенций.-Изд.2-е. - Волгоград: Учитель.2011.-175с
3.Дзюина Е.В.Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5-9 классы.-М.ВАКО,2009.-144с.
4.Кузнецова Т.Д. Английский язык [Текст]: учеб. для 8 кл. общеобразоват учрежд./ Т.Д. Кузнецова [и др.]. - Мектеп,2012
5.Свободная энциклопедия «Википедия»//
Aim: To expand the students knowledge of London’s historic and modern sites, to develop pupil’s interest in life of people abroad, to develop comprehension, speaking and reading skills
Planned timings Planned activities Resources
Teacher Students
5 min
1. Who is on duty today?
2. What season do you like? Why?
-What do you like to do in summer?(holiday, weekend)
3. –I invite to…. Look at the picture and name the country. What’s the capital of it? Try to guess the theme of our lesson
4. - What do you know about London?
5. - Would you like to know more about London, about its sights?
You’ll work in small groups.
-Can you name
your place of interest?
6.Work in group: Make-up a text
using way «3 corners»
7. Presentation.
-Present new information about a place of interest.
-What is it?
-How many?
9. « What is it? »
10. Grammar.
1)-I think, our trip is very interesting.
-What would you like to visit, to see in London? Why?
2)-Complete the sentences using Conditional II.
10. Do sums
-How do you know places of interest of London now?
11.Home task (writing):
- Make up a story about your favourite place of interest of London.
12.The final stage of the lesson
And now let’s listen to the groups. Take notes while observing other student’s performances using the criteria from the cards.
- Well, students. Our lesson is over. I think you know more about different places of interest of London now. Thank you for the lesson.
Good bye!
12.Reflection -I like summer because I have a lot of free time and a big holiday.
S1, S2,
-I like playing football, computer games, travelling…
-This is the UK. The capital.
S-Complete the sentences
S1, S2,
The students are divided into 3 groups:
S. take parts of 3 pictures and complete 3 pictures of places of interest of London, name their pictures.
Choose a speaker, a time manager,
a secretary.
Make-up a text.
S1 retells the text, S2, S3 listen to him and then retell it, too.
A speaker of one group presents it.
Groups read the text, prepare for different questions.(4)
Students from the first group ask the questions fo the second group (and the third group).
( G1---G2---G3---G1)
-Listen to some stories about the places of interest of the capital of Great Britain
S1-I would like to visit….because……
Students put verbs in right form.
G-Read the questions and find the correct answer.
Students complete the cards « Self-assessment»
Students write on the stickers;
1-What’s done very well?
2-What may be improved?
1.The map of the UK
2.1) The population of London is…
2) London caught Great Fire in…( in September 1666)
3) London consists of …. parts:…,…,…,and…
(A star for right answers)
3 pictures: Buckingham Palace,
The White Tower,
St. Paul’s Cathedral
The cards with a few words and a picture.(1)
Text “London”
3 pictures (3)
Grammar task. (4)
«The Chain of Sentences»
Test «The British capital sights» (5)
The cards(6)
« Self-assessment»
Stickers of two colours for every student.
The Tower of London
Task: Make-up a short story about the Tower, using words, given in the card:
- very old
- a royal palace, a castle, a fortress, a prison
- -a museum
- 6 black ravens
- famous for the nightly ritual of the Ceremony of the Key
Trafalgar Square
-one of the most famous attractions in London
-Nelson’s Column
-in the middle of the square
-the famous British admiral
-four bronze lions
-two fountains
The Clock Tower
-to stand near Westminster Palace
-to be built in the 19th century (1858)
- a very loud bell
-to weight more 13 tons
-in honour of Sir Benjamin Hall (the tall man)
1) Who lives in 10 Downing? (Prime – Minister)
2) Who built St.Paul’s Cathedral? (Christopher Wren)
3) Where is the Speaker’ Corner? (Hyde Park)
4) Where are most cinemas, theatres, restaurants? (Piccadilly Circus)
5) Where is the official residence of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
6) What is the oldest part of London? (the City)
1) It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. It is famous for the nightly ritual of the Ceremony of the Key. (The White Tower)
2) It is one of the best picture galleries of the world. It is a fine building with tall columns. There are two beautiful fountains in front it. (The British Museum)
3) They say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument includes four bronze lions. (Trafalgar Square)
1) If I….to London I… Tower.
2) If I ….the Tower I…ravens there.
3) If I ….the ravens I…. there pictures.
4) If I ….their pictures I….them to my friends.
5) If my friend….the pictures they …glad.
The British capital sights
1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? (a)-New York, b) - Sidney, c)-London)
2. What is the name of the river on which the British capital is situated? (a)- the Clyde, b)- the Thames, c) the Mississippi)
3. What was the Tower of London in the past first?
(a) - a museum, b) - a prison, c) - a fortress)
4. What are the laws of the Great Britain made by?
(a) - the Congress, b) - the Parliament, c) – the State Duma)
5. Where the statue of Admiral Nelson? (a)Trafalgar Square, b) Hyde Park, c) the British Museum)
6. When the Clock Tower (Big Ben) near the Houses of Parliament built? (a) – in 1758, b) – in 1858,) -in 1958)
7. Who was in charge of the building of the London Clock Tower? (a) - Sir Benjamin Hall, b) -William Shakespeare, c) - William the Conqueror)
8. When was St. Paul’s Cathedral erected? (a) –in 1510, b) – in 1610,
c) – 1710)
9. What is the official London residence of the British Royal family? (a) - Tower of London, b) - Buckingham Palace, c) - Westminster Palace
10. Who lives in 10 Downing Street? a) Kings, b) Queen, c) Prime-Minister
11. Who organized Globe Theatre? a) Christopher Wren, b) William Shakespeare, c) Madam Tussah
12. Which Bridge is in Tower? a) Brooklyn Bridge, b) Tower Bridge, c)Boston Bridge
Self-evaluation (cards)
-can speak about the UK, London (score 1-3)
-can read and understand new information
-can make-up sentences using Conditional II
-can ask questions and answer
- can work in cooperation with other members of the group
Использованная литература:
1.Верисокин Ю.И.Иностранные языки в школе.-2003.-№5
2.Верисокин Ю.И.Английский язык. Развитие коммуникативных компетенций.-Изд.2-е. - Волгоград: Учитель.2011.-175с
3.Дзюина Е.В.Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5-9 классы.-М.ВАКО,2009.-144с.
4.Кузнецова Т.Д. Английский язык [Текст]: учеб. для 8 кл. общеобразоват учрежд./ Т.Д. Кузнецова [и др.]. - Мектеп,2012
5.Свободная энциклопедия «Википедия»//
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