Конспект к уроку английского языка "Wild and domestic animals" 7 класс
Савкина Вероника Александровна
The aims:
1). To form pupils` abilities in oral speech, listening, reading and understanding English.
2). To enrich pupils` active vocabulary by learning new words on the theme "Animals”.
3). To bring up the feeling of love towards animals, birds and nature.
The procedure of the party:
Hello, dear children, teachers and guests! I`m glad to meet you! Welcome to our party! Today we shall recite poems, play games, sing songs and talk about animals.
Our planet is home to a vast and varied collection of animals. They live everywhere: from the top of mountains to the depth of sea. Animals are all around us. Some of them have fur or feathers, others have shells or scales. Animals are in danger, for many reasons, but most of them are to do with humans. We must take care of animals.
Pupils, answer what animals you know. (The pupils answer). You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know some poems about them?
Pupil 1.
My doggy is funny,
My doggy is small.
It likes to hop,
To run, to roll.
Pupil 2.
I love my cat
It is warm and fat.
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.
Pupil 3.
There is a fox,
It is very sly.
There is a horse
It is nice and shy.
Also there is an elephant,
Clever, big and elegant.
Pupil 4.
I love all kinds of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits,
I love all kinds of animals,
I know their little habits.
Pupil 5.
I like dogs, all dogs:
Big dogs and small dogs and sad dogs.
But I like best on land and sea
The one, who wags his tail at me.
Children, I see you know a lot of poems about animals. Now let`s play game "Wild animals”. На магнитную доску вывешиваются рисунки диких и домашних животных. Учащиеся выбирают среди них и называют только диких: A bear, a wolf, a fox, a lion, a tiger, a monkey, an elephant… и сразу пишут слова на доске.
Now let`s guess an animal. Класс делится на 3 группы, каждая из которых угадывает название животного по диаграмме.
G r o u p 1.
G r o u p 2.
G r o u p 3.
Dear pupils! You worked very well. Now we`ll play game
"False or True?” У учащихся в руках сигнальные карточки "False”, "True”. Учитель произносит предложение. Если оно соответствует действительности, ребята показывают карточку "true”, если не соответствует – карточку "false”.
1. The cow is a wild animal. (False).
2. The dog is a domestic animal. (True).
3. The whale is the biggest animal in the sea. (True).
4. The elephant is smaller than the monkey. (False).
5. The tiger is the smallest animal in the world. (False).
Children, let`s sing a song "BINGO”:
There was a farmer, who have a dog
And Bingo was his animal.
B I N G O , B I N G O, B I N G O
And Bingo was his animal.
(All these words are repeated 5 times).
Now 2 pupils will play a dialogue for us.
The fox: Good morning, the king of the animals. How are you?
The lion: I don`t hear you. Come on nearer.
The fox: I can`t do it. You can eat me. I see these steps lead to your cave, but I can`t see the back steps of those animals that came for asking your health. Goodbye, the lion. I`m not afraid of you at all.
The last task today for you, pupils, will be giving antonyms to the adjectives about animals:
Sly – naive;
Greedy – kind;
Cowardly – brave;
Strong – weak;
Fast – slow;
Clever – silly;
Thin – thick.
Dear children and guests! Our lesson is over. Let`s make a conclusion. The lesson was very interesting and useful. All the pupils were very active and worked hard. All of you get "fives”. At the lesson we learned to love animals and nature. I hope all of you will love them and take care of them. I thank all of you. Good-bye!
1). To form pupils` abilities in oral speech, listening, reading and understanding English.
2). To enrich pupils` active vocabulary by learning new words on the theme "Animals”.
3). To bring up the feeling of love towards animals, birds and nature.
The procedure of the party:
Hello, dear children, teachers and guests! I`m glad to meet you! Welcome to our party! Today we shall recite poems, play games, sing songs and talk about animals.
Our planet is home to a vast and varied collection of animals. They live everywhere: from the top of mountains to the depth of sea. Animals are all around us. Some of them have fur or feathers, others have shells or scales. Animals are in danger, for many reasons, but most of them are to do with humans. We must take care of animals.
Pupils, answer what animals you know. (The pupils answer). You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know some poems about them?
Pupil 1.
My doggy is funny,
My doggy is small.
It likes to hop,
To run, to roll.
Pupil 2.
I love my cat
It is warm and fat.
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.
Pupil 3.
There is a fox,
It is very sly.
There is a horse
It is nice and shy.
Also there is an elephant,
Clever, big and elegant.
Pupil 4.
I love all kinds of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits,
I love all kinds of animals,
I know their little habits.
Pupil 5.
I like dogs, all dogs:
Big dogs and small dogs and sad dogs.
But I like best on land and sea
The one, who wags his tail at me.
Children, I see you know a lot of poems about animals. Now let`s play game "Wild animals”. На магнитную доску вывешиваются рисунки диких и домашних животных. Учащиеся выбирают среди них и называют только диких: A bear, a wolf, a fox, a lion, a tiger, a monkey, an elephant… и сразу пишут слова на доске.
Now let`s guess an animal. Класс делится на 3 группы, каждая из которых угадывает название животного по диаграмме.
G r o u p 1.
G r o u p 2.
G r o u p 3.
Dear pupils! You worked very well. Now we`ll play game
"False or True?” У учащихся в руках сигнальные карточки "False”, "True”. Учитель произносит предложение. Если оно соответствует действительности, ребята показывают карточку "true”, если не соответствует – карточку "false”.
1. The cow is a wild animal. (False).
2. The dog is a domestic animal. (True).
3. The whale is the biggest animal in the sea. (True).
4. The elephant is smaller than the monkey. (False).
5. The tiger is the smallest animal in the world. (False).
Children, let`s sing a song "BINGO”:
There was a farmer, who have a dog
And Bingo was his animal.
B I N G O , B I N G O, B I N G O
And Bingo was his animal.
(All these words are repeated 5 times).
Now 2 pupils will play a dialogue for us.
The fox: Good morning, the king of the animals. How are you?
The lion: I don`t hear you. Come on nearer.
The fox: I can`t do it. You can eat me. I see these steps lead to your cave, but I can`t see the back steps of those animals that came for asking your health. Goodbye, the lion. I`m not afraid of you at all.
The last task today for you, pupils, will be giving antonyms to the adjectives about animals:
Sly – naive;
Greedy – kind;
Cowardly – brave;
Strong – weak;
Fast – slow;
Clever – silly;
Thin – thick.
Dear children and guests! Our lesson is over. Let`s make a conclusion. The lesson was very interesting and useful. All the pupils were very active and worked hard. All of you get "fives”. At the lesson we learned to love animals and nature. I hope all of you will love them and take care of them. I thank all of you. Good-bye!
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