Английский язык 9 класс. Тема: School uniform – Школьная форма
Кульжабекова Айгуль Булатовна
Цели обучения Интеграция семи модулей обучения на уроке,
развитие устной и письменной речи учащихся.
Оборудование Карточки для разделения по группам, бумага формата А3, маркеры, текст «Школьная форма в Британии», карточки по тексту «Что носят британские школьники»,
Этап урока Действия учителя Действия учащихся Интегрируемый модуль
1. Организационный этап Тренинг «Домино»
Good-morning boys and girls. How are you today? I’m glad that you are OK. So, let’s begin our lesson. And at first I propose you to take part in the game "Dominoes”. You must tell about two things you like and your classmates join up with you by interests. Do you understand me? For example – I like ice-cream and I like watching TV. Учитель говорит о двух вещах, которые ему нравятся. К нему присоединяются учащиеся, которым нравится то же самое. В итоге получается круг, в котором все держатся за руки. Модуль: Обучение в соответствии с возрастными и психологическими особенностями личности
Цель: Создание благоприятного психологического климата в классе
Разделение на группы.
Well, guys. Now you should divide into two groups. Take these cards and find your group. Учащиеся выбирают карточки с названием школьного предмета и находят его в списке первой или второй группы. Модуль: Новые подходы в преподавании
Цель: Создание атмосферы учебного сообщества
2. Проверка домашнего задания
Topic "My typical day at school” Прием «Беседа в купе»
Now we will check your home-task. At home you had to make questions about your typical day at school. Now you must ask 5 questions to your partner. A time-manager should stop your dialogue after each 1 minute. Then you must change your place and continue the dialogue with another partner. Ok?
(thank you. Take your seats. Open your notebooks, write the date and the day) Учащиеся ставят стулья в 2 ряда лицом друг к другу. Занимают места и задают друг другу 5 вопросов по тексту, изученному на предыдущем уроке. По истечении одной минуты учащиеся передвигаются на одно место и продолжают диалог с другим партнером. Модуль: Новые подходы в преподавании. Диалогический подход в обучении.
Цель: Определение уровня владения изученным материалом
3. Новая тема ВЫЗОВ
Today we will talk about the School uniform. Discussion:
- Do you wear uniform at school?
- Do you like to wear it?
- Why? Учащиеся записывают число и тему урока.
- Вы носите школьную форму?
- Вам нравится носить ее?
- Почему? Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению
Цель: Введение в тему урока. Определение имеющихся знаний по теме.
Group work: Write the definition of the word
In your groups you must write a definition of the word UNIFORM. You have the shirts, markers and 2 minutes. Работа в группе: Написать значение слова
Учащиеся в группах составляют значение слова ФОРМА на англ.языке. Работа представляется на листе А3 UNIFORM
1)always the same clothes for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
2)a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity
Group work: Associations with UNIFORM
The next task for groups is to remember the associations with the word UNIFORM that begin with the letters of this word
U-uniform, ugly, uncomfortable, unique
N-nice, nasty, necessary, normal
I-interesting, identical, imperfect, inexpensive
F-fun, formal, fabric,
O-original, obligatory
R-respectable, red tie, responsibility
M- material, Math, military, monster Работа в группе: Ассоциации со словом ФОРМА
Учащиеся в группе должны вспомнить ассоциации со словом ФОРМА, которые начинаются с букв этого слова.
Работа представляется на листе А3
О- оригинальная
Р- разная
М- модная
А-……… Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению Цель: Расширение лексического запаса по теме
Working with the text "School uniform in Britain.”
Now, guys, we will work with the topic about school uniform in Britain. After reading it you must complete the table about what british pupils wear at school and answer the question if they like school uniform. Ok?
a white blouse a shirt
a dark-colored skirt a tie
a pullover dark trousers
a beret dark-colored pullover
a cap
black or brown shoes
Pupils in Britain don’t like their school uniform. Работа с текстом «Школьная форма в Британии»
Учащиеся самостоятельно работают с текстом. Затем заполняют таблицу о школьной форме девочек и мальчиков в Британии и отвечают письменно на вопрос нравится ли британским школьникам их форма. Затем обмениваются тетрадями и проверяют друг друга по ключу (на доске).
Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению. Оценивание обучения и оценивание для обучения (взаимооценивание)
Цель: знакомство с новой информацией. Поиск ответов на поставленный ранее вопрос.
So, guys, now we know that schoolchildren in Britain don’t like their school uniform. How do you think? Do pupils in our school like it?
(I think they do./ I think they don’t./ I don’t know) Один учащийся заранее проводит опрос среди школьников школы и подготавливает презентацию о предпочтениях учащихся нашей школы. Модуль: Обучение талантливых и одаренных детей. Использование ИКТ.
Цель: Внедрение регионального компонента в процесс обучения
So,well, we know that british pupils don’t like school uniform and your …
I propose you to divide into 2 teams. The 1 group thinks about advantages of wearing school uniform, and the 2 group prepare the list of disadvantages. If the team have more reasons, it will win.
Группам предлагается подготовить списки Преимуществ/Недостатков школьной формы. Команда, предложившая больше доводов, выигрывает. Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению. Диалогический подход в преподавании.
Цель: Развитие речевых навыков и навыков аргументирования.
4. Домашнее задание Make a short essay about your attitude to the school uniform.
На основе изученного материала приготовить краткое эссе о своем отношении к школьной форме.
5. Рефлексия
Учащиеся отмечают галочкой пункты, которые они выполнили в течении урока, подписывают карточку рефлексии и сдают.
1)always the same clothes for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
2)a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity
U-uniform, ugly, uncomfortable, unique
N-nice, nasty, necessary, normal
I-interesting, identical, imperfect, inexpensive
F-fun, formal, fabric,
O-original, obligatory
R-respectable, red tie, responsibility
M- material, Math, military, monster
School uniform in Britain.
Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls with a dark-colored skirt and pullover. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels.Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-colored pullovers Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes.
Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.
Advantages Disadvantages
You don't have to worry about what to wear on a school day. Some school uniforms are very formal looking and may take a lot of looking after.
You know that everyone else will be wearing school uniform. Skirts or formal pants are not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or recess
You can save your 'good' stuff for nights and weekends. Some uniforms are a bit too casual and comfortable and can look rather sloppy and not very neat.
The clothes are usually practical and comfortable to wear. School uniforms are rarely fashionable.
Uniforms can be handed down to other kids in the family. They can be expensive.
You can sell or buy second-hand uniform at the school. You can get fed up of wearing the same old, same old every day.
With a uniform, you have got most of the clothes you need to wear, so you don't need as many casual clothes, and if you are growing quickly that will be a big saving for Mum, Dad or whoever buys your clothes. You get into trouble if you don't wear uniform.
It promotes equity because everyone has to wear the same.
There is less pressure on kids to wear the latest fashion, which may not be suitable for wearing all day.
Most secondary schools don't have change rooms or showers, so there is nowhere suitable for changing into sports clothes for sports lessons. So casual and comfortable clothes that can be OK to wear when doing anything at all are best.
School uniform in Britain.
Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls with a dark-colored skirt and pullover. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels.Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-colored pullovers Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes.
Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.
развитие устной и письменной речи учащихся.
Оборудование Карточки для разделения по группам, бумага формата А3, маркеры, текст «Школьная форма в Британии», карточки по тексту «Что носят британские школьники»,
Этап урока Действия учителя Действия учащихся Интегрируемый модуль
1. Организационный этап Тренинг «Домино»
Good-morning boys and girls. How are you today? I’m glad that you are OK. So, let’s begin our lesson. And at first I propose you to take part in the game "Dominoes”. You must tell about two things you like and your classmates join up with you by interests. Do you understand me? For example – I like ice-cream and I like watching TV. Учитель говорит о двух вещах, которые ему нравятся. К нему присоединяются учащиеся, которым нравится то же самое. В итоге получается круг, в котором все держатся за руки. Модуль: Обучение в соответствии с возрастными и психологическими особенностями личности
Цель: Создание благоприятного психологического климата в классе
Разделение на группы.
Well, guys. Now you should divide into two groups. Take these cards and find your group. Учащиеся выбирают карточки с названием школьного предмета и находят его в списке первой или второй группы. Модуль: Новые подходы в преподавании
Цель: Создание атмосферы учебного сообщества
2. Проверка домашнего задания
Topic "My typical day at school” Прием «Беседа в купе»
Now we will check your home-task. At home you had to make questions about your typical day at school. Now you must ask 5 questions to your partner. A time-manager should stop your dialogue after each 1 minute. Then you must change your place and continue the dialogue with another partner. Ok?
(thank you. Take your seats. Open your notebooks, write the date and the day) Учащиеся ставят стулья в 2 ряда лицом друг к другу. Занимают места и задают друг другу 5 вопросов по тексту, изученному на предыдущем уроке. По истечении одной минуты учащиеся передвигаются на одно место и продолжают диалог с другим партнером. Модуль: Новые подходы в преподавании. Диалогический подход в обучении.
Цель: Определение уровня владения изученным материалом
3. Новая тема ВЫЗОВ
Today we will talk about the School uniform. Discussion:
- Do you wear uniform at school?
- Do you like to wear it?
- Why? Учащиеся записывают число и тему урока.
- Вы носите школьную форму?
- Вам нравится носить ее?
- Почему? Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению
Цель: Введение в тему урока. Определение имеющихся знаний по теме.
Group work: Write the definition of the word
In your groups you must write a definition of the word UNIFORM. You have the shirts, markers and 2 minutes. Работа в группе: Написать значение слова
Учащиеся в группах составляют значение слова ФОРМА на англ.языке. Работа представляется на листе А3 UNIFORM
1)always the same clothes for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
2)a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity
Group work: Associations with UNIFORM
The next task for groups is to remember the associations with the word UNIFORM that begin with the letters of this word
U-uniform, ugly, uncomfortable, unique
N-nice, nasty, necessary, normal
I-interesting, identical, imperfect, inexpensive
F-fun, formal, fabric,
O-original, obligatory
R-respectable, red tie, responsibility
M- material, Math, military, monster Работа в группе: Ассоциации со словом ФОРМА
Учащиеся в группе должны вспомнить ассоциации со словом ФОРМА, которые начинаются с букв этого слова.
Работа представляется на листе А3
О- оригинальная
Р- разная
М- модная
А-……… Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению Цель: Расширение лексического запаса по теме
Working with the text "School uniform in Britain.”
Now, guys, we will work with the topic about school uniform in Britain. After reading it you must complete the table about what british pupils wear at school and answer the question if they like school uniform. Ok?
a white blouse a shirt
a dark-colored skirt a tie
a pullover dark trousers
a beret dark-colored pullover
a cap
black or brown shoes
Pupils in Britain don’t like their school uniform. Работа с текстом «Школьная форма в Британии»
Учащиеся самостоятельно работают с текстом. Затем заполняют таблицу о школьной форме девочек и мальчиков в Британии и отвечают письменно на вопрос нравится ли британским школьникам их форма. Затем обмениваются тетрадями и проверяют друг друга по ключу (на доске).
Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению. Оценивание обучения и оценивание для обучения (взаимооценивание)
Цель: знакомство с новой информацией. Поиск ответов на поставленный ранее вопрос.
So, guys, now we know that schoolchildren in Britain don’t like their school uniform. How do you think? Do pupils in our school like it?
(I think they do./ I think they don’t./ I don’t know) Один учащийся заранее проводит опрос среди школьников школы и подготавливает презентацию о предпочтениях учащихся нашей школы. Модуль: Обучение талантливых и одаренных детей. Использование ИКТ.
Цель: Внедрение регионального компонента в процесс обучения
So,well, we know that british pupils don’t like school uniform and your …
I propose you to divide into 2 teams. The 1 group thinks about advantages of wearing school uniform, and the 2 group prepare the list of disadvantages. If the team have more reasons, it will win.
Группам предлагается подготовить списки Преимуществ/Недостатков школьной формы. Команда, предложившая больше доводов, выигрывает. Модуль: Обучение критическому мышлению. Диалогический подход в преподавании.
Цель: Развитие речевых навыков и навыков аргументирования.
4. Домашнее задание Make a short essay about your attitude to the school uniform.
На основе изученного материала приготовить краткое эссе о своем отношении к школьной форме.
5. Рефлексия
Учащиеся отмечают галочкой пункты, которые они выполнили в течении урока, подписывают карточку рефлексии и сдают.
1)always the same clothes for a given environment, as in the military, in a school or business, or in a cultural group.
2)a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity
U-uniform, ugly, uncomfortable, unique
N-nice, nasty, necessary, normal
I-interesting, identical, imperfect, inexpensive
F-fun, formal, fabric,
O-original, obligatory
R-respectable, red tie, responsibility
M- material, Math, military, monster
School uniform in Britain.
Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls with a dark-colored skirt and pullover. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels.Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-colored pullovers Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes.
Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.
Advantages Disadvantages
You don't have to worry about what to wear on a school day. Some school uniforms are very formal looking and may take a lot of looking after.
You know that everyone else will be wearing school uniform. Skirts or formal pants are not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or recess
You can save your 'good' stuff for nights and weekends. Some uniforms are a bit too casual and comfortable and can look rather sloppy and not very neat.
The clothes are usually practical and comfortable to wear. School uniforms are rarely fashionable.
Uniforms can be handed down to other kids in the family. They can be expensive.
You can sell or buy second-hand uniform at the school. You can get fed up of wearing the same old, same old every day.
With a uniform, you have got most of the clothes you need to wear, so you don't need as many casual clothes, and if you are growing quickly that will be a big saving for Mum, Dad or whoever buys your clothes. You get into trouble if you don't wear uniform.
It promotes equity because everyone has to wear the same.
There is less pressure on kids to wear the latest fashion, which may not be suitable for wearing all day.
Most secondary schools don't have change rooms or showers, so there is nowhere suitable for changing into sports clothes for sports lessons. So casual and comfortable clothes that can be OK to wear when doing anything at all are best.
School uniform in Britain.
Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls with a dark-colored skirt and pullover. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels.Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-colored pullovers Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes.
Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.
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