Английский язык 2 класс. Тема: Закрепление умений и навыков говорения, чтения, письма на уроках английского языка в начальной школе
Агапова Лина Борисовна
Цели: 1. Закрепить говорение, чтение и письмо.
2. Развить умение использовать свои знания на практике.
3. Повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной игровой обстановке.
4. Воспитывать умение дружно работать в команде.
1. карты со словами и предложениями.
2. компьютер.
3. Музыкальное оформление.
4. Презентация.
5. Конверты с буквами и картинками слов
Ход мероприятия.
Учитель:Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning , good morning we are glad to see you ( in a circle)
Song " Hello, hello, hello - what’s your name?”
Hello, hello, hello-twice
What’s tour name?- twice
Hello, hello, hello
My name is….
Yes, yes,yes, no, no, no! ( куплет повторяется меняется вопрос How old are you, и ответ I am seven)
Let’s play in the circle of questions. ( один учащийся выходит в круг и с закрытыми глазами выбирает того кому задаст вопрос)
Слайд 1 Do you know the ABC?
Учитель:Yes, our pupils know the ABC very well. Среди вас есть ребята, которые не знают буквы? Look! I have an envelope and in my envelope I have cards with letters. You must put your hand into envelope, take a card with letter, and tell us what the letter have you? You know this work, Let’s start!
Слайд 4-12. Let’s remember the colours. Tell me please what colour has the crocodile? Etc.
Слайд 13-26. Учитель: Do you know the animals? Tell me please.
Take your pens and we play in "spyware”. Let’s check up.
Warm-up Stand up, listen to me and do!
Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out,
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
You put your left foot in,
You put your left foot out,
You put your left foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about. Etc.
Слайд 27-29. Fantastic job! Let’s continue! Now we work in two teams. Each of teams must complete 3 sentences. Time is go on!
Let’s check up.
1 team: Is, dog, My, red. Bad, is, pig. Am, I, good.
2 team: cat, My, big, is. Fox, small, is. Are, you, a nice pupil.
1. My dog is red. Pig is bad. I am good.
2. My cat is big. Fox is small. You are a nice pupil.
How many mistakes have you? You haven’t mistakes, have you? Excellent job!
Слайд 30. Учитель: Well done! Find which picture is signed right? ( по очереди называют картинку и говорят правильно или нет)
Слайд 31-33. «whose sun shines brighter?» it’s next compеtitian. Look at the blackboard you can see your task. All of you have a pice of paper with this task, look attention on the pictures and letters and tell me what is the first sound in these words?
Great! I take you the part of the Sun? If you read the word right, I give you a ray of sunshine. Let’s go!
Рефлексия занятия: Если вы считаете что поработали очень хорошо поднимите красный смайлик, если хорошо то желтый и если что осталось непонятным зеленый. Thank you for your attention our lesson is over good bye!
2. Развить умение использовать свои знания на практике.
3. Повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной игровой обстановке.
4. Воспитывать умение дружно работать в команде.
1. карты со словами и предложениями.
2. компьютер.
3. Музыкальное оформление.
4. Презентация.
5. Конверты с буквами и картинками слов
Ход мероприятия.
Учитель:Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning , good morning we are glad to see you ( in a circle)
Song " Hello, hello, hello - what’s your name?”
Hello, hello, hello-twice
What’s tour name?- twice
Hello, hello, hello
My name is….
Yes, yes,yes, no, no, no! ( куплет повторяется меняется вопрос How old are you, и ответ I am seven)
Let’s play in the circle of questions. ( один учащийся выходит в круг и с закрытыми глазами выбирает того кому задаст вопрос)
Слайд 1 Do you know the ABC?
Учитель:Yes, our pupils know the ABC very well. Среди вас есть ребята, которые не знают буквы? Look! I have an envelope and in my envelope I have cards with letters. You must put your hand into envelope, take a card with letter, and tell us what the letter have you? You know this work, Let’s start!
Слайд 4-12. Let’s remember the colours. Tell me please what colour has the crocodile? Etc.
Слайд 13-26. Учитель: Do you know the animals? Tell me please.
Take your pens and we play in "spyware”. Let’s check up.
Warm-up Stand up, listen to me and do!
Hokey Pokey
You put your right foot in,
You put your right foot out,
You put your right foot in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
You put your left foot in,
You put your left foot out,
You put your left foot in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey
And you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about. Etc.
Слайд 27-29. Fantastic job! Let’s continue! Now we work in two teams. Each of teams must complete 3 sentences. Time is go on!
Let’s check up.
1 team: Is, dog, My, red. Bad, is, pig. Am, I, good.
2 team: cat, My, big, is. Fox, small, is. Are, you, a nice pupil.
1. My dog is red. Pig is bad. I am good.
2. My cat is big. Fox is small. You are a nice pupil.
How many mistakes have you? You haven’t mistakes, have you? Excellent job!
Слайд 30. Учитель: Well done! Find which picture is signed right? ( по очереди называют картинку и говорят правильно или нет)
Слайд 31-33. «whose sun shines brighter?» it’s next compеtitian. Look at the blackboard you can see your task. All of you have a pice of paper with this task, look attention on the pictures and letters and tell me what is the first sound in these words?
Great! I take you the part of the Sun? If you read the word right, I give you a ray of sunshine. Let’s go!
Рефлексия занятия: Если вы считаете что поработали очень хорошо поднимите красный смайлик, если хорошо то желтый и если что осталось непонятным зеленый. Thank you for your attention our lesson is over good bye!
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