№34 Theme of the lesson: How many boys are there in your class?
Aims of the lesson: How many boys are there in your class?сұрағын
еңгізу.There is…, there are…құрылымының
қолданулуын үйрету.
жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу.
Сұрақ қою іскерлігін дамыту
Method of the lesson: Answer the questions
Type of the lesson: mixed
Materials for the lesson: pictures, a grammar table
Connection of the subjects: Kazakh
Outline of the lesson:
Organization moment
А) Greetings
Б) Checking up the attendance
II. Checking the homework
Exercise 12
III. Vocabulaty work
Сөздік диктант
Gymnasium, library, disco, canteen tennis courts…
IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.
Our theme in our lesson is " How many boys
are there in your class?”.
New lesson
Сөздік жұмыс
Chair орындық
Picture сүрет
Window терезе
Plant өсімдік
Bag сөмке
Hair шаш
Eye көз
How many
boys are there in your class? Сұрақты еңгізу оған жауап беруді үйрету
Exercise 1
Exercise 2-4 Listen and repeat
3. Talk to your friend about your
things in your bags.
5/How many books are there in your
bag? There're (There's only one book in
my bag.)
6. Listen
and repeat.
Are there any boys from Kazakhstan? Colin: No, there aren't any.
7. Talk
to your friend about the boys and girls from other countries, towns,
area, etc.
— Are there any boys and girls from
India? Yes, there are some / No, there
aren't any.
8 Count
the boys and girls with black, brown, blue eyes, with black, brown and blond
hair, and girls with long and short hair and fill in the chart.
V Homework
Exercise 9
Будь-те первым, поделитесь мнением с остальными.