Lesson 16. Theme: Grammar lesson.
Lesson 16 Date:
Unite: Theme: The
aim: Tasks:
moment: Warm-up:
up h/w:
main part:
Family. Grammar lesson. Формирование
знаний учащихся по теме « Притяжательный падеж». 1) Обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение учащимися данной темы. 2) Содействовать формированию внимательности у учащихся. 3) Развивать навыки составления предложений. Possessive case. The procedure of the lesson: T: Hello,
children! Sit down! T: What
is your name? S1:
My name is _______. T: Where
are you from? S2:
I am from Kazakhstan. T: How
are you? S3:
I am …… T: Which
class are you in? S4:
I am in class 5. T: How
old are you? S5:
I am … T: What
is your address? S6:
My address is …
Ex. 10 p.
37 Give me your copybooks!
Today we
will talk about the "Possessive case”. Possessive case. Имя (что?) мамы(чьё?) - Mother’s (whose?) name
(what?) Книга (что?) сестёр (чьё?)
- Sisters’
(whose?) book (what?)
1 Translate into English: Папа Мери, фамилия Бена, машина сестры, ручка брата. Reading
p. 147 To make
phrases; to learn grammar rules.
What was
the theme of our lesson? What is possessive case? The marks
for the lesson are … The
lesson is over! Good-bye! |
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