№44 Сабақтың тақырыбы: What should you do to keep fit?
Сабақтың мақсаты: What should you do to keep fit? Тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың
білімін бекіту . Some, Any есімдіктердің қолданулуын қайталау. Оқушының уақытын
тиімді пайдалануға үйрету. Ойлау
қабілетін дамыту
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап
Сабақ типі: Бекіту
Көрнекілігі: таблица
Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ
Сабақ барысы:
А) амандасу
Б) жоқтарды белгелеу
II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен
Our theme in our
lesson is "What should you do to keep fit?”
Exercise 9 Now read what two young people say
about the article in exercise 7
My name is Mick. I think that the survey is
wrong. We do a lot of PE and games at our school. I play basketball for the
school team. I eat a lot of junk food like hamburgers and pizzas, but that’s
all right, because I take a lot of exercise
Exercise 10 Write your
own ideas about the article and your life. Write about these things and read it
to the class
11. Circle the correct
word in the rules and complete the gaps with the suitable words.
a. some/any
We use some/any in positive sentences: I want bread.
We use some/any in sentences with a negative meaning.
I never drink ________ alcohol.
I don't want _________ mineral
water, thanks.
3) In
requests and offers in questions we use some/any:
Would you like___________ cake?
b. much/many/a
few/ a little
1) We use much/many and a few/a
little with uncountable noun
«Is there_____ milk left?»
«No, there's only________ » .
2) We use much/many and a few/a little with countable noting
There are not___________ cans of coke left and there are on
___________ cans
of orange juice.
Write down what you eat and drink at
mealtime and for snack in typical day. Then interview a partner. Find out:
a. How
much meat or fish he/she eats on a typical day.
b. How
many sweet things he/she eats.
c. How much he/she drinks.
d. What
he/she eats a lot?
e. What
he/she eats a little?
Whether he/she thinks he/she has a
healthy diet.
IV. Үйге тапсырма
Exercise 14
Будь-те первым, поделитесь мнением с остальными.