Lesson 22. Theme: Grammar lesson.
Form Lesson 22 Date:
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Health care. Grammar lesson. Повторение и
закрепление грамматической темы «Инфинитив». 1) Обеспечить
в ходе урока повторение и закрепление учащимися данной темы. 2) Воспитывать у учащихся внимательность. 3) Развивать навыки говорения. Infinitive.
procedure of the lesson: T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is
on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? How are you? What’s the
weather like today? How many lessons do you have today? What are they? What
are Participles?
13 p. 64 Read your advices to the class! Today
we are going to review the grammar theme "Infinitive”. First
let’s review grammar rules. What is Infinitive? Read
Grammar Reference on page 203. Ex.
14 p. 64 Read the text again and make some lists. Ex.
15 p. 64 Look at the scheme of use of Infinitive and complete them with the
sentences from the text, then add some more sentences of your own. Example: He seemed to be very interested in computers. Ex.
16 p. 65 Pair work. Imagine that you have friend who has problems. Invent
some problems and say how you tried to help. Write some sentences. Example: We have a friend who wants to stop smoking, but
he can’t. we advised him to read some brochures about danger of smoking. Ex.
17 p. 65 Match a word with a synonym. Example: unknown – unfamiliar. Ex. 1
p. 205 Complete each sentence with a suitable verb form. Example: My father has decided not to sell the car. Ex.
2 p. 206 Complete each sentence using what,
where, how. Use one of the verbs from the box. Example: Have you decided where to go for your holidays?
18 p. 66, to learn grammar rules.
I hope the lesson
was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today? The marks for the lesson are… The lesson is over! Good-bye! |
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