№12 Theme of the lesson:What’s this?
Aims of the lesson: Жаңа лексикалық сөздермен жумыс істеу, «Бұл
сұрағының сөйлемде қолданулуына жаттығу
жумыстарын жүргізу
Оқушылардың білімге қуштарлығын арттыру
Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін дамыту.
Method of the lesson: Answer the questions, speaking
Type of the lesson: Introduction of the new materials
Materials for the lesson: pictures
Connection of the subject: Russian
Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment
А) Greetings
Б) Checking the attendance
II. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson.
Our theme in our lesson is "What’s this?”.
III. New lesson
What’s this? Сұрағын енгізу оған жауап беруді үйрету
Жаңа сөздерді енгізу
a pen a
ruler a book a notebook а сhair
a pencil a rubber a table a
IV. Reading
Colin: What?
Carol: This. Is it a pencil?
Colin: No, it isn't. It's a pen.
Carol: What's that?
Colin: It's a calculator. Now go away.
Listening, speaking and writing
Exercise1. Talk to your friend about the pictures on page 47.
picture 1?
— It's a____________ .
Exercise 2. Listen and repeat.
Carol: What's this? Colin: It's a
V. Conclusion
Exercise6. Listen and repeat.
What's that?
Exercise 7. Talk to your friend.
— What's that?
Exercise 8-10 Listen
and repeat
Exercise 12
Будь-те первым, поделитесь мнением с остальными.