Лексико-грамматическое пособие по подготовке к ЕНТ
Объем знаний и умений по английскому языку, ориентированный на общеевропейский стандарт, требует от выпускников довольно обширные и глубокие знания в области лексики и грамматики, высокий уровень владения навыками аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма.
К окончанию 11 класса у учащихся должна сложиться довольно основательная база знаний, умений и навыков в овладении иностранным языком. Для успешной сдачи ЕНТ возникает необходимость в определенных обобщениях, систематизации усвоенного материала, дифференциации лексических и грамматических явлений языка.
Предлагаемый сборник предназначен для более широкого получения знаний страноведческого характера, вопросов, связанных с историей, культурой страны изучаемого языка, содержит глубокий информационный материал по использованию грамматики.
Содержание стр
Phrasal Verbs__________________________________________________________________3
Conditional Sentences ( Условные предложения)____________________________________15
The Infinitive (Инфинитив)______________________________________________________15
The Gerund (Герундий)_________________________________________________________17
The Participle ( Причастие)______________________________________________________17
Оборот «used to»______________________________________________________________19
Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)_____________________________________________19
Future–in–the–Past ( Будущее время в прошлом)____________________________________19
Word Formation (словообразование)______________________________________________21
Страноведение _______________________________________________________________23
Оборот «Объектный падеж с инфинитивом».______________________________________40
Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for.__________________________________________40
Оборот «Именительный падеж с инфинитивом».___________________________________40
Тест Вариант 1____________________________________________________42
Тест Вариант 2_____________________________________________________45
Phrasal Verbs.
To look
1. to
look at – посмотреть на
Don, t look at me so angrily!
2. to
look for – искать
I am looking
for my glasses and I can,t find them.
3. to
look through – просмотреть
Look through the newspaper and tell me about the
most important sports matches.
4. to look
after – присматривать, ухаживать
Who looks
after your cat when you go away?
5. to look up – посмотреть ( в
каком-то источнике)
If you don,t know the word look it up in the dictionary.
To take
1. to take after – быть похожим на
кого-либо из старших родственников, если речь идет о характере и манерах
Everybody says that I take after my father, but my little brother Paul takes after our mother.
2. to take away –
убрать, унести ( прочь), увести ( прочь)
If you are not going to eat the cake, take it away.
3. to take off – снимать, убирать, взлетать( о самолете)
Take your coat and hat off, it’s quite warm in here.
Let’s take
the curtains off and wash them.
When is the time for
the plane to take off?
4. to take back- отнести на место, вернуть
Don’t forget to take the books back
to the library.
We made the girl take the dog back to
it’s master.
5. to take down – снимать, записывать( под диктовку)
I hate this picture on the wall up there and I
want to take it down.
Would you like to take my telephone number down?
To make
1.to make up – а) сочинять,
придумывать b) гримировать, накладывать косметику
to make up oneself – краситься
Come here, children, and listen to my new
story. I’ve just made it up.
They made
him up as an old man for the last
act of the play.
To make up with
somebody – помириться с кем-либо
They kissed and made it up.
2.to make out – разобраться, понять с трудом
I can’t make
out what he is saying.
3.to make off – быстро уйти,
убежать, сбежать
Where is Jack? – He made off soon after dinner.
To get
1. to get on – а) сесть на велосипед, поезд, автобус и т.д.
The boy got on his bike and rode away.
b) делать успехи, двигаться вперед
How is he getting on with his English?
2. to get off – сойти с велосипеда, поезда, автобуса и т. д.
We got off the train in
Compare: to get on/ off the bus but to get
into/ out off the car
3. to get along – уживаться, ладить с кем-то
My dog and my cat get along with each other.
4. to get out – выйти наружу
Get out of the room now.
5. to get up – подниматься ( с постели)
What time do you get up?
6. to get away – удрать, исчезнуть, сбежать
The thieves got away with our money.
7. to get over – справиться с чем-то, преодолеть
He can’t get over his illness yet.
8. to get down to work/ business – приняться за работу/ за дело
”It’s 11 o’clock.It’s time to get down to work”
To turn
- to turn around
– повернуться, обернуться
Walk along the road and don’t turn around.
- to turn out – оказаться
It turned out that all the children liked the idea of going on a trip.
The comedy turned out to be very funny.
3.to turn over – перевернуть(ся)
Turn the
pancake over, please: I smell it
4.to turn up – появиться, очутиться
Soon after the bell he turned up in the doorway of our
5.to turn into – превратиться
In the winter the water turned into ice.
6.to turn inside out – вывернуть наизнанку
He turned his sweater inside
out to show me the labels.
7.to turn upside down – перевернуть вверх тормашками(вверх ногами)
Se turned her room upside down
looking for her watch.
8.to turn up – сделать громче
to turn down
– сделать тише
to turn on – включить
to turn off
– выключить down.
Please, turn off the radio or at least turn it down.
Turn up the
television, I can’t hear anything.
Turn off the
To rush
- to rush at – наброситься, накинуться на
As soon as he came to the office he rushed at his work: he knew there was
no time to lose.
Mel is afraid of bulls because when
he was a child a big bull rushed at
- to rush in/ into – торопливо
войти, ворваться
Please, don’t rush in without knocking.
The firemen rushed into burning building to save the child.
- to rush out/off – торопливо выйти/уйти
Why did he rush out of the room without saying goodbye?
The children rushed off as soon as the bell went.
- to rush to – броситься, спешно отправить(ся)
We all rushed to the door when the postman arrived.
I’m afraid we’ll have to rush the baby to the doctor, his temperature is too high.
To run
- to run away/ off – убегать, удрать
Don’t run away and leave me alone. When I gave him the news, he ran off at once.
2.to run down – а) останавливаться ( о механизмах, часах)
The clock has run down and will stop if not wound.
b) говорить с пренебрежением
He is always running down his sister.
3.to run in – заглянуть, забежать, заехать
Run in and
see me this evening.
4.to run out – а) выбежать
The cage was open and the monkey ran out.
b) кончаться, иссякать
The money is running out. My patience has run
5.to run over – а) переехать, задавить
Be careful! Don’t run over the dog! A small kitten was run over by the train.
b) перелиться через край, убежать
I forgot to turn off the tap and the water ran over ( the sink).
To set
- to set about ( doing ) smth. – приняться за что-то, начать что-то
They set about their work at 9.
He set about writing a letter to his son.
I don’t know how to set about it.
- to set smb. to smth./ to do smth. – заставить кого-либо приняться за работу
Mother set John to work.
Whom did you set to do this?
- to set out/ off – a) помещать, выставлять
The milk can was set out.
They set out vegetables for sale.
b) отправляться ( в путешествие, экспедицию и
They set out/of on their journey late in the afternoon.
Bob set out early the next morning.
Let’s set
out before it gets dark.
To do
1.to do away with smth. – покончить с чем-то
The government has done away with the law.
- to do out – вычистить, хорошенько убрать
I’ll do out the living-room.
- to do up – а) застегивать(ся)
Do up your
coat, it’s cold. This dress does up
at the back.
b) прихорашивать(ся)
Janie did herself up for the
- to do with – хотеть, нуждаться(often used with
I could do with a sandwich, I’m hungry.
To hand
- to hand down –
передать( опыт, знания, что-то по
The skill of making violins was handed down from father to son.
This bracelet has been handed down in our family for two hundred years.
- to hand in – сдать( работу, документ для чтения или
« It’s time to hand in your works», said the teacher.
When can you hand in your article to the editor?
- to hand out – раздать
The teacher handed out colored pencils to the class.
Peter, would you like to hand out the paper plates to all the
- to hand over – передать
« Hand over that knife!» shouted the policeman.
A lot of people hand over sums of money to hospitals and health centres.
To break
- to break away –
убежать, освободиться
The criminal broke away on the way to the police station.
It’s time to break away from your old habits.
- to break down –
а) ломать(ся), рушить(ся)
The police broke the door down.
My bike has broken down, may I use yours?
b) потерять контроль над собой, раскиснуть
When Lucy failed the exam she broke down and cried.
- a)to break into – врываться, вламываться
Last night my neighbour’s house was broken into.
b) to break into a run (a smile, laughter, applause, song, tears) – неожиданно начать делать что-то
The child looked at the picture and broke into laughter.
At the sight of the broken toy the
little girl broke into tears.
- to break out – разразиться, начаться
What’s the matter?- A fire broke out in the hotel
I don’t know what will happen if
panic breaks out at the stadium.
To come
- to come across
– наталкиваться, натыкаться
I came across a letter from Bruce the other day.
Everyone has come across the sort of problem which seems impossible to
- to come down with – подхватить болезнь, слечь
He came down with pneumonia.
was Bob absent from the lesson?
he came down with the flu.
- to come off – сойти, упасть, оторваться
Come off the
She came off her bicycle.
A button came off my coat.
- to come over –
найти ( на человека), произойти
What came over you? Why are you so angry?
I don’t know what came over me but I told her everything.
- to come round – заглянуть ненадолго
Is Nell coming round? I could come
round if you like.
To see
- to see smb. around – ( часто)
встречаться с кем-то
I’ve seen
him around quite a lot recently.
Goodbye, I’ll see you around!
- to see through sth.or smb. –
видеть что-то/кого-то насквозь
You don’t full me. I can see through your tricks!
3. to see to sth. or smb. – позаботиться о
чем-то/ о ком-то
Don’t worry, the house will be
cleaned out, I’ll see to it.
See to it
that you are not late for your English class again.
Could you see to my pets while I’m away?
- to see smb. off – проводить
My mother always saw me off to school when I was very young.
Will you come to the airport to see me off?
To drop
- to drop in( on smb/ at some place) – навестить, зайти, заглянуть( к кому-
то/ куда-то)
Let’s drop in on Jim and Mary while we’re in the neighbourhood.
Look who’s just dropped in!
After the game’s over, I may drop in at a small café for a cup of
- to drop off –
а) выходить, высадить (из машины)
Thanks for the ride, I’ll drop off here.
Drop me off at the corner, and I’ll walk from
b) оставить, « забросить» ( вещи) куда-то
I just want to drop the letter off.
I’ll drop my coat off at the
cleaner’s on my way to the office.
- to drop on smb. – а) набрасываться, нападать на кого-либо
Why drop on me? It’s not my fault.
b) наткнуться, натолкнуться на кого-либо, случайно встретить
We dropped on a perfect house after searching for weeks.
I dropped on this old photograph in the back of the drawer.
- to drop out – выбывать, выходить из чего-то, бросать(
James dropped out of the game at the very beginning.
Who has dropped out of the contest?
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